World union of knife throwers
Exactly in target!






20.02.2014     Подробная демонстрация безоборотной техники метания

Качественное видео с замедленной съемкой на английском языке по технике безоборотного метания ножа. The motto of Ralph Thorn's school of combat knife throwing is "Any Knife, Any Angle, Any Position, No Games, No Gimmicks, No Limits." In this groundbreaking video production from Paladin Press, he proves it, teaching you a truly combative style of weapons throwing that isn't based on figuring out exact distances and numbers of spins and half-spins.


20.02.2014     Кнуты и ножи

Очень красивое видео с показательных выступлений. Whips and Knives. Here I am performing at the 2014 Arizona Renaissance Festival with Dakota.


20.02.2014     'Little' John Taylor

Один из лучших метателей Англии рассказывает о себе. На родном языке.


19.02.2014     Безоборотный рикошет

Будьте аккуратнее, метая с небольших дистанций! Original text: My first 2 meter no-spin throw with my kunai and I almost knock myself out! It wasn't really a big deal to me at the time. I was more angry that I didn't get it to stick. A few minutes later, I noticed my finger was throbbing and realized I could've really hurt myself. Good times! Wear eye protection, kids, and don't stand too close to the target! :)










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