World union of knife throwers
Exactly in target!

Чемпионат Иркутской области


On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.
метание ножей,  Подставка сделана из нефрита и чароита и метательный нож «осётр» сделан в реальных размерах из зеленого нефрита.,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.
метание ножей,  Подставка сделана из нефрита и чароита и метательный нож «осётр» сделан в реальных размерах из зеленого нефрита.,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.
Подставка сделана из нефрита и чароита и метательный нож «осётр» сделан в реальных размерах из зеленого нефрита.
метание ножей, ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.

метание ножей, Медали в абсолютном первенстве состояли из двух частей белого и зеленого нефрита. ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.
Медали в абсолютном первенстве состояли из двух частей белого и зеленого нефрита.
метание ножей, ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.

метание ножей, ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.

метание ножей, ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.

метание ножей, ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.

метание ножей, ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.

метание ножей, ,On May 17 in the Irkutsk region has passed the first the open championship with very interesting prizes. Organizator is Vladimir Turchin.

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