World union of knife throwers
Exactly in target!

Results of 1 stage Russia Cup 2017


January 21-22 in St. Petersburg hosted the North-West Cup. This tournament is the first stage of the Cup of Russia on sports knife throwing. 

Competitions were held in cold but friendly atmosphere. However, despite the objective difficulties, the  throwers level of the St. Petersburg growing.
Intense competition shown First League. All the medals in this category took throwers from the club Angry Bee. The prize-winner at the 5th was relative newcomer of the competition Sergey Yakovlev. He broke to the two current world champions company.

As a result, all the gold took Dmitry Melnikov, Vladislav Samkov at all distances was standing next to him on a pedestal. Vadim Zveryansky (7m, silver), Michael Nikonov (9m, silver) and Alexei Zelencov (absolyut, bronze).

Gold in absolyut exercise among men was determined in the last series. After 29 series the result was the same. But far more severe selects the prize-winner in the absolute superiority of women. The fate of the bronze medal was solved between Elena Silantieva and Natalia Ulyanova  with the same general results, the same result at a distance of 7m and a difference of 5 points in 5m! As a result, Lena took away from the tournament with three fourth places.

And all the prizes divided between Anna Kortunova, Tatiana Novikova and Natalia Ulyanov. Only at a distance of 7m prize made Alexandra Valyaeva.
I post the results on points.



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