World union of knife throwers
Exactly in target!

II Neon tournament of knife-throwing in Ryazan


November 12, 2016 in the club "Peresvet" (Ryazan, ul. Radishcheva, 69) will be held II Neon Sports ax throwing event. We invite everyone to try their hand in the original competition in the light of a UV lamp. Waiting for participants and fans, we promise - it will be interesting!
Cost 800r participation.
Tournament program:
12/11/2016, 10:00 - Registration, training
11:00 - Start of the tournament.
Exercise "Neon ax." Throwing ax accuracy with a distance of 5 meters - 10 shots, 7 meters - 10 shots at distances points are summarized.
Exercise "Ryazan kosopuz". Duel on the axes, a distance of 4 meters. Qualifying stage of the design, each with each, the final of the Olympic system, the loser is eliminated.
Exercise "King of the Hill." All participants will make contribution 300r to the prize pool. Distances 5, 6, 7 meters by 5 shots one ax.
The projectile throwing - ax with lights, provided by the organizer. Use european target .

Неоновый турнир по метанию топора в Рязани


Правила неонового турнира в Рязани по метанию топоров



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