Здравствуйте, дорогой участник EuroThrowers!
Впереди много хороших дней для метания.
В этом году в Европе запланировано более 20 соревнований среди метателей ножей и топоров.
Из-за последствий ковида и войны в России чемпионат мира в 2024 году проводиться не будет.
Thrower Meetings 2024
The outlook is good for the throwing sport, with meetings all over Europe. Find more than 20 meetings and competitions in the updated 2024
knife and axe throwing calendar: https://www.knifethrowing.info/thrower-meetings.html#meetings
So, choose a friendly meeting now and block your calendar! If you have any questions, I can usually put you in touch with the organisers.
* 20th of April 2024, Sarthe Championship, France Organised by Le Mans Habilis;
* 27th of April 2024, Spring Competition, Kamenice, Czech Republic Organised by W-Club; Kamenice is halfway between Brno and Prague;
* 4th to 5th of May 2024, Gran Premio Roma, Italy Knives, Axes and Double Bit; Organised by Germano Coli;
* 9th to 11th of May 2024, French Championship, Villeneuve-le-Roi, Paris, France Organised by Les Faisans du Parc;
* 18th to 19th of May 2024, C'hoari Olympik, Graces, France An olympic take on throwing in Brittany; Organised by the principalité de couteauland, with Jean Yves Gautier;
* 18th to 19th of May 2024, Alnasca Challenge, Brione (Verzasca), Ticino, Switzerland Competitions in double bit, axe throwing, knife throwing, and no spin knife throwing. Organised by Alnasca Throwing Knife and Axe.
* 31st of May to 2nd of June 2024, Asgard Cup, Laubach Münster, Germany Double bit throwing, organised by the Asgard Throwers;
* 1st to 2nd of June 2024, Wineyard Competition, Mouzillon, France Near Nantes; Organised by Les Fines Lames Mouzillonaises;
* 7th to 9th of June 2024, Blade Throwers Czech Open, Hradec Kralove, Giant Mountains, Czech Republic Organised by the club Blade Throwers;
* 25th of May 2024, 8th Slovakian Championship in Knife and Axe Throwing, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia The national championship of Slovakia will take place in Fort Geronimo.
* 31st of May 2024, KATTA UK Nationals, Louth, UK Taking place in Back2Bear center;
* 15th of June 2024, Grand Prix of the W Club, Kamenice, Czech Republic The traditional cup of the Western Club. Events are in traditional western disciplines like archery and whip cracking, and of course knife throwing and axe throwing. Location is in the Western Town "Stonetown" (halfway between Praha and Brno).
* 15th to 16th of June 2024, Trofeo della Mura, Verona, Italy Organised by the club Cortei & Manareti;
* 22nd to 23rd of June 2024, Championship of Brittany's Harbours, Vitré, France Organised by Les Lames de l'Hermine;
* 28th to 30th of June 2024, Soulthrower Open, Arboga, Sweden Organised by Marcus Pehart;
* 12to to 14th of July 2024, UKAT Championship, Louth, UK Taking place in the Back2Bear centre, that's on the east coast, with Sheffield inland.
* 2nd to 4th of August 2024, IKTHOF Championship, Pembroke, Ontario, Canada Organised by Ward Wright
* 2nd to 4th of August 2024, Indiana Camp Championship, Rymarov, Czech Republic Throw knives and axes. With Western Show.
* 9th to 11th of August 2024, Fourth Open Throwing Championship of Poland, Gąski, Masurian lake district, Poland Organised by the BNIT club;
* 23rd to 25th of August 2024, World Double Bit Axethrowing Championships, Thirsk, North Yorkshire, UK Held at the Axemore grounds, sanctioned by the GAC.
* 14th of September 2024, Czech Championship in Knife and Axe Throwing, Hill Valley, Pardubitz, Czech Republic For details enquire at western village Hill Valley - you can send the Sheriff an email;
* Aim Gaimes Virtual event with focus on the fun aspect of the sport, with regular challenges that help you grow your throwing skills.
Now, have fun reading and throwing!